Bibtex Journal

A Route Construction Based on Measured Characteristics of Radio Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors Yasuhiro Nose Akimitsu Kanzaki Takahiro Hara Shojiro Nishio
Book Journal of Ambient Intelligent and Humanized Computing (From Journal of Ambient Intelligent and Humanized Computing) Vol.1, Number.4, Page.259-270,
Published 2010 . 12
Fund 助成:科研費・特定領域研究(18049050)、基盤研究(S)(2122002)、総務省委託研究「ユビキタス・プラットフォーム技術の研究開発(ユビキタスサービスプラットフォーム技術)」
  title     = {A Route Construction Based on Measured Characteristics of Radio Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks},
  author    = {Nose, Yasuhiro and Kanzaki, Akimitsu and Hara, Takahiro and Nishio, Shojiro},
  journal   = {Journal of Ambient Intelligent and Humanized Computing},
  volume    = {1},
  number    = {4},
  pages     = {259--270},
  month     = {12},
  year      = {2010},
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