International Conference
Maekawa Yoshiyuki,
Shuichiro Haruta,
Yuma Dose,
Takahiro Hara,
"A News Recommendation Framework Utilizing ChatGPT: Estimating Target Audience and News Categories,"
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC),
March 2025.
Kentaro Shiga,
Shuichiro Haruta,
Zhi Li,
Takahiro Hara,
"Domain Adaptation Utilizing Texts and Visions for Cross-domain Recommendations with No Shared Users,"
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA),
December 2024.
Yuma Dose,
Shuichiro Haruta,
Yihong Zhang,
Takahiro Hara,
"Hypergraph Contrastive Learning with Graph Structure Learning for Recommendation,"
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA),
December 2024.
Shengzhe Jiao,
Yihong Zhang,
Yuanyuan Wang,
Shingo Mabu,
Haoyang Xia,
Takahiro Hara,
"Multi-modal Contrastive Learning for Medical Image Classification with Limited Training Data,"
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA),
December 2024.
Reon Uemura,
Daichi Amagata,
Takahiro Hara,
"An Efficient Framework for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search on High-dimensional Multi-metric Data,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP),
November 2024.
Ryuichiro Okuda,
Qingxin Xia,
Takuya Maekawa,
Takahiro Hara,
Sozo Inoue,
"Preliminary Investigation of Activity Prediction in Nursing Homes using Activity History with Erroneous Time Stamps,"
Interpretable, Inclusive, and Immersive Interaction for Ubiquitous AI-infused Physical Systems ,
November 2024.
Daichi Amagata,
Junya Yamada,
Yuchen Ji,
Takahiro Hara,
"Efficient Algorithms for Top-k Stabbing Queries on Weighted Interval Data,"
Proceedings of International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA),
August 2024.
Yuchen Ji,
Daichi Amagata,
Yuya Sasaki,
Takahiro Hara,
"SAFE: Sampling-assisted Fast Learned Cardinality Estimation for Dynamic Spatial Data,"
Proceedings of International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA),
August 2024.
Zhi Li,
Daichi Amagata,
Yihong Zhang,
Takahiro Hara,
Shuichiro Haruta,
Kei Yonekawa,
Mori Kurokawa,
"Mutual Information-based Preference Disentangling and Transferring for Non-overlapped Multi-target Cross-domain Recommendations,"
Proceedings of International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR),
July 2024.
Ryo Shirai,
Ryo Imai,
Sengpei Liew,
Daichi Amagata,
Tsubasa Takahashi,
Takahiro Hara,
"Estimating Visited Stores through Positive-Unlabeled Learning,"
Proceedings of International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA),
July 2024.
Ryuichiro Okuda,
Qingxin Xia,
Takuya Maekawa,
Takahiro Hara,
Sozo Inoue,
"Activity Prediction Method for Nursing Care Records with Missing Entries,"
Activity and Behavior Computing (ABC),
May 2024.
Daichi Amagata,
"Independent Range Sampling on Interval Data,"
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE),
May 2024.
Daichi Amagata,
"Fair k-center Clustering with Outliers,"
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS),
May 2024.
Domestic Conference
青山 和禎,
天方 大地,
藤田 澄男,
原 隆浩,
データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM),
植村 玲央,
天方 大地,
原 隆浩,
データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM),
Lee Jimin,
天方 大地,
原 隆浩,
データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM),
木戸 渓人,
天方 大地,
原 隆浩,
データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM),
Yuchen Ji,
天方 大地,
佐々木 勇和,
原 隆浩,
情報処理学会 データベースシステム研究会 ,
植村 玲央,
天方 大地,
原 隆浩,
情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT),
前川 由幸,
春田 秀一郎,
道瀬 悠磨,
原 隆浩,
"ChatGPT による読者像と記事カテゴリの推定を用いたニュース推薦フレームワーク,"
情報処理学会 マルチメディア, 分散, 協調とモバイル シンポジウム (DICOMO),
道瀬 悠磨,
春田 秀一郎,
原 隆浩,
"対照学習およびグラフ構造学習を用いた ハイパーグラフベース推薦モデル,"
情報処理学会 マルチメディア, 分散, 協調とモバイル シンポジウム (DICOMO),
谷垣 慶,
大塚 亮真,
Aiyi Li,
波多野 遥太,
Yuanzhou Wei,
小山 偲歩,
依田 憲,
前川 卓也,
情報処理学会 ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究会 (UBI),
Yuchen Ji,
情報処理学会 データベースシステム研究会
, 2024年12月.
植村 玲央,
天方 大地,
原 隆浩,
, 2024年9月.
道瀬 悠磨,
春田 秀一郎,
原 隆浩,
情報処理学会 マルチメディア, 分散, 協調とモバイル シンポジウム
, 2024年6月.
Ryuichiro Okuda,
Qingxin Xia,
Takuya Maekawa,
Takahiro Hara,
Sozo Inoue,
"Excellent Paper Awards,"
Activity and Behavior Computing
, 2024年5月.